From First Date to Marriage – building long term client relationships in an ever-changing digital landscape

From First Date to Marriage - building long term client relationships in an ever-changing digital landscape
Time to read: 2 minutes

In episode 199 of the Agency Trailblazer podcast, Lee Jackson interviewed our own Director of Client Engagement, Andrew Pitchford to discover why Excite Media had introduced workshops as part of the introduction process to our agency.

Aside from discovering that Aussies don’t really drink Fosters like the UK advertising tells them, Andrew and Lee had a great talk about the benefits of the workshop experience for both the agency and the client.

It was good to see that Lee finally got around to the important questions, and we discovered that Andrew has two favourite drinks. His beer of choice being the Tasmanian James Boag, and now, Lee Jackson’s favourite ring tone, “Cointreau over ice” for that relaxing evening drop.

Here’s a few ways you can connect with Andrew Pitchford. For a meeting his online scheduler can be found here.

For all things social, here’s my shopping list 👇

Facebook Page:
Instagram: Business @theAndrewPitchford and Personal @andrew.pitchford
Twitter: Business @digitalpitchy and Personal @andrewpitchford

EOS Traction System

When Andrew spoke with Lee, we mentioned our sales and onboarding process that was built from what we had learned implementing the EOS Traction system. As well as some great books and lots of online resources through this main website, I would encourage you to look up books by Gino Wickman and YouTube videos on EOS Traction to get a sense of what the Entrepreneurial Operating System can do for your business.

WebIQ Evolution

The WebIQ Evolution program is the latest improved version of our digital marketing program for clients. The introduction of the model below has helped give direction and accountability to both the agency and the client in the process. One of the key complaints of many clients on the digital marketing wheel is that they don’t know if they are making progress. The WebIQ Evolution process keeps the agency on the front foot in communications and ensures safety and stability to the client, who can see a clear check-in time frame for campaigns and ongoing retainer work.

You are welcome to download the image below, and feel free to email Andrew Pitchford ( for any questions regarding our own experience.


Jess Childs

Copywriter & Web Designer
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